How Can We Help
Together we can change many lives be a part of the change...

About Us
We're The World's Most Trusted Charity!
Our Trust focuses on Children’s education, with an aim to make it relevant and to equip them with a mind to enquire, to be creative, with access to technology and critical knowledge. We believe sensitivity to the environment and people, through a process of learning, should be a culture that children should grow up with.
Guiding For Better Career
Periodic Free medical camps
Doing assistance for handicap
Encouraging Women Education
Saving Life's
Healthcare support
New Beginning
Educational support
- To provide Medical facilities for deserving people
- To work towards the welfare of underprivileged.
- To provide Education to the marginalized children.
- To provide relief and assistance to handicapped, poor or needy persons.
- To provide relief and assistance to needy old aged persons.
- To promote, establish, run and maintain non-formal education centers as well as vocational training institutions for women and people belonging to poor and weaker sections of the society.
- To start, manage and administer any Orphanage, Nursing home, Old age Homes, Hospitals, libraries, Diagnostic Centers, Reading rooms, vocational school , colleges, ITI institutes, Schools, Research Institutions and other institution and extend its benefits to society at large irrespective of caste, creed or social status and to acquire land and building and other assets and properties for achieving the objects of the Trust.
- To support and promote the growing of trees and restoration of water tanks, taking up drinking water projects, water development, New well development on rual areas and cities.
- To take over, absorb or amalgamate with any other trust or society or association or institution whose objects are similar to the objects of this trust.
- To take over, absorb or amalgamate with any other trust or society or association or institution whose objects are similar to the objects of this trust.
- To cooperate with the Central & State Government and other authorities in extending aid for educational purposes.
- To organize awareness camps, health camps, March, workshops, campaign and exhibition.
- To work for the welfare of Agricultural workers, Farmers, Unorganized Labours, Industrial Labours and Migrated Labours.
- To promote traditional games along with the contemporary sports among youth & others.
- To form women groups, youth groups, self-help groups; old aged groups, adolescent groups, children groups/clubs, community leaders groups and group of volunteers.
- To receive Indian or foreign volunteers with various skills to assist, help, aid and participate and help fulfil the objects of the Trust.
- To grant scholarships, stipends or subsidy to needy persons , institutions and organisations in keeping with the object of the Trust.
- All or any of these objectives of the trust to be made available to any person irrespective of caste, community, creed religion and gender, based on the available financial resources of the Trust and at the discretion of the board of Trustees. It is also made clear that none of the objects of the trust shall be carried out with a profit motive.
- To preserve and protect the environment and propagate the significance of ecological balance.
Join With Us
Change starts here!
Together we can change many lives be a part of the change…
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Transform a child’s life - Join hands with Us.
Meet Our Goals
Change starts with you
Our vision
A World where the diversity of the human race is accepted and where everyone lives in dignity, security and social justice.
Our Mission
To promote just, equitable and sustainable rural communities through education, socio-economic, health and people-centric participatory approach focusing on children, adolescents, and women from the vulnerable poorest of the poor communities.